Lundi 9 février
A character from the great Fallout 3 :)
Akasha : - Someone ! At last ! I thought I'd be wandering alone in the Wastelands for years !
Trader : - Hi girl ! 'want some exotic goods ? 'repairs for your weapons ?
- Oh yeah ! I need this... and this... oh, and repair all my stuff, and my Vault 101 Suit too ! thanks !
- This will be... arh... 537 Nuka Cola Caps please !
- o-what ?! I don't have this much !
- No caps, no goods ! Give'em back !
- [Seduction] Maybe you could take *this* instead... I couldn't take a shower since a few weeks, but I'm sure you'd like the taste of my... sweaty pussy...
mmh ?"
Par Amon