Mercredi 26 novembre 3 26 /11 /Nov 20:19

This time I tried another painting style, more like "speedpainting". The result is a bit less accurate, but I think it looks good anyway.

Amon : "I said do NOT pull it from your mouth, or you'd get some in the eye, damned gnome !"

Guu : "mfh... but, mafter warrior, you already came three time ! Why don't you *mmffhh* take little break ? *koff!* and let me breath !"
Amon : "Don't worry, little gnome, two more times and I think these armored balls of mine should be empty, at last..."
Guu : "...TWO ? *MFfhhm* two more times ?!"
Amon : "Then you'll take care of my murloc pet and my horse ! Same treatment !"
Guu : "*mfh*kof* ho...HORSE ?!"
Amon : "C'mon slave ! Otherwise I could give you a few gnomish ass-stretching lesson ?"
Guu : "o-ok ! *mmhf* ...At least I won't need to take breakfast today... *mhf* *glup*glup*glup* ..."
Par Amon - Publié dans : Lust of Warcraft
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